Signs You Need To Replace Your Facility's Industrial Ductwork thumbnail image

Signs You Need To Replace Your Facility's Industrial Ductwork

Jun 8th 2021

Although industrial ductwork is typically sturdy and long-lasting, at some point, you will need to replace it. This is often a tough pill to swallow for small and medium-sized businesses, as the up-front costs can often exceed the budget. Nevertheless, it is wise to replace your industrial ductwork as soon as you realize it has expired. This is the best way to reduce other potential costs and damages. With that in mind, here is a list of signs you need to replace your facility's industrial ductwork.

Strange Noises

Sure, your ductwork shouldn't be totally silent, but it should not be making random creaking or other noises that you haven't heard before. If your ductwork seems to be making strange, unexplained noises, it's best to seek the help of a professional immediately.

Detached Insulation

One of the top signs you need to replace your ductwork is that the insulation is becoming detached from surfaces. Internal ductwork tends to become loose after the ductwork has become worn or otherwise needs repairs.

Weird Odor

Another telltale sign you need to replace your facility’s industrial ductwork is a weird odor. This is often due to the fact that the damaged insulation releases particles that were previously trapped behind it. If you notice a sudden unexplained mold or mildew smell, this may be a sign that your ductwork needs replacing.


As we all know, mold can be very dangerous and is rarely a sign of something positive. If you notice mold in or around your industrial ductwork, you need to contact a professional immediately.

Dampness Behind Insulation

Lastly, if you notice there is unexplained dampness behind your insulation, this is a sign that you need new ductwork. This means that water is collecting behind the insulation and may eventually result in an overflow that could be catastrophic to your business.

Overall, there are plenty of signs that it’s time to replace your industrial ductwork; these are just some of them. Since every situation is different, the top thing you need to be aware of when you’re trying to assess the condition of your ductwork is if there is something unusual happening to it that you have not dealt with in the past. Either way, if you need help finding products or services for your industrial ductwork, contact your friends at Monkey Industrial Supply today.